His appeal to prime Minister Imran Khan to provide medical support and make arrangements for his. He was always ready to help with Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital." Umer Sharif is currently suffering from various diseases. He concluded, "Whatever the government can do, I will make sure to personally get Imran Khan's instructions on this because Umer Sharif has can be a huge contributor to Pakistani media, as well as philanthropy. He has been unwell due to his heart issues, but he's not under any life-threatening illness.' In 2017, the news of the (fake) death of the. The actor died July 10 of that year at the age of 83, from a heart attack, according to NBC News.

We will try with the US also, whichever country can facilitate our request." Omar Sharif falleció hace cinco años, afectado por un un Alzheimer que había complicado más si cabe su de por sí delicado estado de salud. Umer Sharif is well and home, confirms family. Sadly, in early 2015, his agent confirmed that Sharif had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. "We will contact the German and Saudi embassies in Pakistan, the benefit of which will be that these two countries are closer and that we may be able to do things faster. Gill explained that Germany and Saudia Arabia would be better options for treatment due to the fact that the two countries are closer to Pakistan. "First thing tomorrow morning I will personally relay his message to the Prime Minister, and I will personally contact the three countries and will try to arrange for treatment since even doctors have said that his ailment is complicated and the treatment for it is not possible in Pakistan." Gill said he would personally notify the PM about Sharif's condition and his immediate need to travel. I pray that God gives him health," said Gill. It ought to be noticed that in 2017, he additionally went to the clinic because of chest. So far no explanation has been gotten from his relative. "The video filled my heart with sorrow because Umer Sharif has always made us laugh and we've always seen him laughing, chipper and spreading happiness. Omar Sharif has Alzheimer’s illness where an individual starts to fail to remember memory and it is more not unexpected in individuals beyond 65 years old and it could be because of low glucose. Sharif's doctors have recommended he travel within the next 15 to 20 days to the USA, Germany or Saudi Arabia, for which the comedian will need government support. According to television host Waseem Badami, who shared the video, Sharif needs assistance when it comes to technical issues that have affected travel due to Covid-19 and does not require funds from the government.